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December 07, 2006


Ross Day

It may be tacky to comment on your own post, but I came across an interesting, left-handed justification for scholarly blogging. In a post entitled Blogs as a Tool for Teaching appearing in the Chronicle of Higher Education, Steven D. Krause wrote on his mixed experiences with blogs in the classroom. Decrying their lack of interactibility (my term), he recognizes that "[b]logs work best for publishing individual texts that are more or less finished, at least in the sense that blog writers generally don't ask their readers to suggest revisions." Q.E.D.

Browsing the Chronicle for other articles it becomes clear that issues of censorship, self-censorship, and the denial of tenure loom far larger in the minds of potential academic bloggers than using blogs as an alternative publishing venue. The likelihood that tenure committees will give no weight to webby efforts comes in a distant second.

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